Nick Bokulich
Postdoctoral Scholar, Northern Arizona University

Postdoctoral Scholar, Northern Arizona University
Gail Bornhorst
Professor Departments of BAE and FST, UC Davis

Professor Departments of BAE and FST, UC Davis
Kyria Boundy-Mills
Curator, Phaff Yeast Culture Collection, UC Davis

Curator, Phaff Yeast Culture Collection, UC Davis
Jim Brown
UC Davis Extension Director of Agriculture

UC Davis Extension Director of Agriculture
Ignazio Cabras
Chair in Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University (UK)

Chair in Entrepreneurship and Regional Economic Development, Newcastle Business School, Northumbria University (UK)
Isabel Alicia del Blanco
Project Scientist in the Department of Plant Sciences – Dubcovsky Lab, UC Davis

Project Scientist in the Department of Plant Sciences – Dubcovsky Lab, UC Davis
Jorge Dubcovsky
Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis

Professor, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis
Sue Ebeler
Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology and Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Programs, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, UC Davis

Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology and Associate Dean, Undergraduate Academic Programs, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, UC Davis
Hildegarde Heymann
Distinguished Professor. Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

Distinguished Professor. Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis
Makoto Kanauchi
Associate Professor, Department of Food Management, Miyagi University, Japan

Associate Professor, Department of Food Management, Miyagi University, Japan
Maria Marco
Associate Professor Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis

Associate Professor Food Science and Technology, Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis
David Mills
Professor and Peter J. Shields Endowed Chair. Department of Food Science & Technology, UC Davis

Professor and Peter J. Shields Endowed Chair. Department of Food Science & Technology, UC Davis
Alyson Mitchell
Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis

Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, UC Davis
Bill Ristenpart
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, UC Davis

Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, UC Davis
Chris Simmons
Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science & Technology, UC Davis

Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science & Technology, UC Davis
Carolyn Slupsky
Professor Department of Nutrition and Department of Food Science & Technology, UC Davis - Kinsella Endowed Chair in Food, Nutrition, and Health

Professor Department of Nutrition and Department of Food Science & Technology, UC Davis - Kinsella Endowed Chair in Food, Nutrition, and Health
Ned Spang
Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology and Associate Director, Center for Water-Energy Efficiency, UC Davis

Assistant Professor, Department of Food Science and Technology and Associate Director, Center for Water-Energy Efficiency, UC Davis